167 Flinders Street
Adelaide SA 5000
P: 0439 438 076
E: jane@jjconsulting.net.au


Strategic Planning & Facilitation

“Plan for Success”.

Jane is a highly skilled facilitator who works with Boards and Executives to develop innovative and effective corporate strategies and frameworks from development to implementation.

Jane works with each client to tailor a Strategic Management Framework that will deliver effective results and improve your organisation’s success.

    • Develop Mission and Vision statements
    • Corporate objectives and goals realigned and prioritised
    • Reduce risks and challenges
    • Identify risks, challenges and opportunities
    • Create a culture of collaboration and innovation

Jane has a unique offering where a person can attend the session to take a full record of outcomes for your information and future reference.

Organisational Development

Jane will deliver effective Strategic Human Resource Strategies to address the critical factors that impact on your organisation’s successful performance.

    • Whole organisational structure review and development planning
    • Skills analysis
    • Review systems and processes
    • Healthy culture development
    • Change Management
    • Executive Coaching

Board & Executive Performance Evaluation & Development

“Top performing executive teams have a clear direction and common understanding of their role and value”.

As an experience Board Director, Jane has a wealth of experience and intelligence in developing and delivering effective evaluations for Boards and Executives, including 360◦ review.

    • Board Evaluation
    • Executive 360◦ Performance Review
    • Best Practice Corporate Governance
    • Board & Executive Team Development
    • Board & Executive Coaching & Mentoring


“Good Governance is good business”.

Jane has a wealth of knowledge regarding best practice Governance policies and procedures, and will develop an appropriate Governance Framework for your organisation.

    • Board Performance
    • Role of the Board
    • Executive Remuneration
    • Structure
    • Policies and Procedures

Executive Coaching & Mentoring

“Effective mentors use their wisdom to inform their questions and help their mentees build their own wisdom”.

Jane is an experienced coach and mentor and will develop a structured one on one program to address your professional and personal development needs and requirements.

    • Leadership Development
    • Improved business results
    • Personal Development